Monday, January 28, 2013

All the info you need to get started!

Hey readers!  Okay, after much deliberating I have decided to explain to you how I have decided to lay out this blog for you.

  • The Blog Tab will have all the blogs that I post and I will title each blog with a descriptive word for you to know what you are going to be reading about.  For example, if I were to be writing a blog on a healthy recipe I may start with a capital keyword such as "GOOD EATS" and then follow with the dishes name.  If I were to be talking about a new DIY project I would start off with "DIYer POST!" (I found that since I am new to this type of wide variety of blog this was the easiest way for me to begin for you.)
  • Menu Time Tab- These side tabs will have just a single post on them.  This particular page will have my Menu that I am choosing with link attached if I found them online.  This way you all can see how I am budgeting and the different ways I am mixing it up week to week.
  • DIY Corner Tab will have my current project on it or my future project that you may want to check out for youself!
  • Weekly Word Tab will be the place to check out scriptures, encouraging words, maybe my favorite devotional and where it is from, etc.
  • School Thoughts Tab will be updated with a different tip or thought or current project we are doing from week to week for all of you homeschool mamas!
  • My Services Tab will be a list of all the different crafty things I am able to do for you.  It will also explain the jobs I currently am doing from home.
I hope this helps you out on my new page and I can't wait to keep building it up day by day! 

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