School Thoughts

School, school, school...... I am so blessed that we are able to home school our daughters, but just because it's a blessing doesn't mean it's easy! 

Tuesdays I will update this tab to have new tips for you!

This week I am going to share with you my goals/priorities for school this week:
  1. Start school at 9 a.m. Tues, Thur & Fri
  2. Get our Devotionals done FIRST everyday.
  3. Not get so frustrated with my oldest when she works on English.  English is a difficult subject for her, but this week is on writing so I think she will enjoy it!
  4. Finish the Reading book we are on with my middle daughter

Now this may not seem like a lot for some of you out there, but everyone is different on where their focus needs to be.  Our family is lacking in certain areas.  We need to learn to be organized with time management and with that we need to put God at the TOP OF OUR LIST so that is where my first 2 goals come from.

If you are getting overwhelmed throughout the day TAKE A BREAK.  Pray it out.  If you continue through the lesson with the tension it will not be beneficial for you or your child.
REMEMBER!  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!  We all have been there and I am so grateful for the other supportive mamas out there who have been there to remind me of that!

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