I don't know about you but I LOVE sites like Pinterest and tumblr and other awesome blogs that help DIY mamas like me find new inventive ways to spruce up my home on a budget!
Today I completely the "Dream Wall'. A board for all of us in our family to share our dreams with each other and then after sharing we will take steps to fulfill them (the ones that God leads us to. "swimming with the mermaids" may be a lil hard. lol).
Now our "Dream Wall" is made up from a large old chalkboard we had lying around that was in great need of a FACE LIFT! This leads to your DIY Project for the week:
Supplies needed:
- Large board to paint (whatever size you are in need of.) *like I said in the above sentence, I used an actual old chalkboard because that is what I had to use already.
- Magnetic Paint (I found it at Home Depot for around $19.97)
- Chalkboard Paint (Home Depot for $9.97) **I bought the one that you could TINT to your choice of color from the options listed!!! They have all different colors like Teal, Pink, Crimson, Cream, Gray, Green, etc. I chose Chocolate.
- You could also use the recipe for DIY COLORED CHALKBOARD PAINT
- Paint Rollers (2-1 for the Mag.Paint and 1 for the Chlk.Brd. Paint)
- I also had some extra Light Blue Paint that I used on my Frame of my Chalkboard but you may not need another color if you don't have trim on it.
STEP 1: Get the paint
STEP 2: Wipe the board's surface down
STEP 3: Roll on 3 or more separate thin coats of the Magnetic Paint first because it is the Primer.
*I used the entire Quart of it for mine because my board was 3 1/2 ft. by 5 ft. and also tested magnets on it before I went on to the Chalkboard Paint.
STEP 4: Roll on 2 coats of the Chalkboard Paint
STEP 5: Paint the trim/frame if you need to
FINAL STEP: Decorate! You are done!
Hey girl! I'm proud of your new blog. Better get to making some projects so I can copy them, and then judge them LOL.